The 'Yulin Dog Meat Festival' Needs To Be Stopped

The Dog Meat Festival in China was created over 4,000 years ago and still takes place today. It is estimated that over 15,000 dogs are consumed over the 9 days this event takes place. In fact, the festival is taking place right at this very moment and will continue until the 30th.

These dogs aren't just ate but also skinned, electrocuted, hung, burned alive, beaten, and boiled alive. Besides dogs, cats are also on the menu for these sick people. There have also been rumors surrounding where the animals are even from, with some speculating that they were stolen from families, due to the fact that some of the dogs still wore collars.

Image result for yulin dog meat festival
Image result for yulin dog meat festival
Image result for yulin dog meat festival

As you can see, these festivals are inhuman and need to be put behind us once and for all. If people can get incarcerated for hitting their animal than why should this be allowed? It's evil and honestly, disgusting.

Sign this petition to help end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival:

Thank you for your help.


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