Twenty One Pilots Drop Nostalgic 'The Hype' Music Video

Earlier today alternative rock band, Twenty One Pilots dropped their newest music video for their song, 'The Hype.' The video begins with the band once again performing in their living room. As the shot zooms out we can see a small crowd of people, not really paying much attention to the duo. As the video progresses we get to see more and more people fall in love with the band, until everything begins to fall apart around them, forcing Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun to pick up the pieces of their lives around them. The video represents their fear of buying into the hype around the band and then losing everything. At the end of the video, we get to see Dun hand Joseph a Capri Sun which is a tie-in to their hit, 'Stressed Out.' The video so far has been loved and adored by fans.

Watch 'The Hype' video here:


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